Svetlana Latysheva

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The study discusses a new approach to translation of architectural critical materials focusing on the stage of source texts analysis. Architecture synthesizes science, technology, art and social sphere resulting in the heterogeneity of translatological characteristics of texts representing architectural phenomena. They combine the parameters of institutional and personal discourse possessing the features of specialized texts, such as the predominance of cognitive information and a high degree of conventionality, and artistic texts with their emotional, aesthetic and axiological aspects. This functional ambivalence limits the use of traditional methods based on genre or stylistic analysis. This research is an attempt to develop a new approach to pre-translation analysis of architectural texts yielding adequate translation methods for architectural nominations and contributing to the retainment of original text identity. The study views intersubjectivity in pre-translation analysis as conceptual coordination within the discourse of the expert community carried out in the process of interaction between authors of source texts and addressees of translation texts through interlingual mediation. The developed method allows translators to reveal relevant cognitive and discursive parameters of nominations of architectural phenomena at various language levels. In addition, it reveals the translation dominants that assist both to preserve the sufficient level of translation text conventionality within the institutional discourse of architecture and to transfer personal meanings and values implied by source text authors within their personal discourse.


pre-translation analysis, intersubjective approach, architectural criticism, translation strategy

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