This article describes the role of short-term memory in the interpreter’s activity and the development of its capacity in interpreting students. Considering the fact that students are rarely or not at all offered short-term memory training exercises during a translation course, the authors of the article propose a system of memory training exercises that can be integrated into two of the three stages of an interpreting course: series of numbers and their combination with a noun, echo repetition, ‘snowball’ type exercises; exercises with mnemonics; and typified grammatical and semantic structures. Based on the developed typology of exercises, we propose a lesson-by-lesson scheme for combining different types of exercises and thematic organisation of classes in an interpreting course. The effectiveness of classes with sequential implementation of such exercises, as opposed to courses without their application, was experimentally determined. It was found that the systematic and consistent performance of memory exercises during a semester increases the capacity of operative memory units and the degree of accuracy of the reproduced invariant indicated by a noticeable decrease in omissions, additions, substitutions, or mistakes. Based on the results, it is concluded that it is advisable to practice memory training not only directly in translation classes but also in foreign language classes in the first and second years so that students master the necessary competencies before they begin their translation studies.
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