The purpose of this study is to determine "how icebreakers affect Libyan undergraduate students' motivation and willingness to communicate in English". Pre and post-tests were administered to a single group as part of a pre-experimental study design. During the academic year 2023–2024, semester one, the study was conducted at the Faculty of Education, University of Sebha, Zuwila, Libya. Thirty students from the Department of English were chosen using a purposeful sampling technique. Interviews, observations, and questionnaires were used to gather data. According to the findings, icebreakers considerably raised students' desire and readiness to communicate in English. The study contributes to the field of teaching English by emphasizing how crucial icebreakers are to establishing a supportive learning atmosphere and encouraging communication skills. Prospective investigations have to concentrate on extended periods, cultural adaptations of conversation starters, and methods for reducing the Hawthorne Effect.
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