Min Wang

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This case study explores the second language literacy practices of 2 Chinese graduate students studying at The University of Alabama. The findings of this study reveal that technologies and multimedia can foster Chinese students’ English learning and literacies development. In addition, the marriage of funds of knowledge with technologies not only boosts Chinese students’ English learning confidence, but also helps them accumulate linguistic and cultural capital. However, certain Chinese traditional cultural factors might inhibit these English learners’ language acquisition and literacy development to some degree. This empirical research used interviews and semi-structured interviews to collect data.  The first section of this paper discusses the influences of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and computer mediated communication (CMC) on L2 learning and literacy. The second section of this paper analyzes the data derived from the interviews. The last section of this paper addresses the implications for second language teaching and learning, which emphasizes the intertwined relationships among technologies, multimodality, culture, and language. The implications of this research might provide new insights into second language literacies development and support English instructors to meet the needs of second language learners in the context of the increased population of Chinese students.

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ISSN 2334-9182 (Print)
ISSN 2334-9212 (Online)