Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more widespread and has posed some concerns in terms of how it is being used in education. This study explored the ethical considerations of English language teachers while integrating AI into their teaching practices. Using a narrative approach to qualitative inquiry, teachers' experiences in using AI technologies were deduced from the semi-structured interviews. Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis framework was utilized to generate significant themes. These experiences are creatively described as follows: The Edge: Navigating the Pedagogical Skies using AI, Turbulence Ahead: The Pitfalls of AI Overdependence, Mapping an Ethical Pathway in the Digital Skies, Teachers as AI Pilots: Mastering the Skies Together, and The Sky Ahead: Venturing the Future of AI. Moreover, AI has significantly impacted teachers’ pedagogy, allowing them to personalize lessons, save time, and learn from various resources. On the contrary, concerns about copyright, creativity, biases, and loss of human touch emerged. The findings of this study provide insights on the integration of AI in English language classrooms especially in formulating guidelines of use while adhering to ethical principles.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP241016057S
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