Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic’s pervasive influence, personality remained a key determinant of individuals’ choices and academic accomplishments in higher education (Rodrigues, Rose, and Hewig 2024). Proactive students are more inclined to pursue foreign language proficiency, which is an educational advantage as by becoming equipped with intercultural communication skills, students become better prepared for the contemporary labor market. This research places emphasis on exploring higher education (HE) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) economics and business students’ use of language learning strategies (LLSs) and their self-perceived proactivity, creativity and emotional regulation during the pandemic of COVID-19. Specifically, it assesses students’ individual differences, investigates connections between LLSs and ESP students’ proactivity, creativity, and emotional regulation, and reveals statistically significant predictors of ESP students’ LLS use. The findings indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, medium strategy use was observed across all LLSs, and the metacognitive strategy was utilized the most frequently. Female ESP students employed the affective strategy more, whereas male ESP students utilized the cognitive strategy more. Proactivity was positively correlated with most LLSs and was revealed as the most significant predictor of ESP students’ LLS utilization. The findings of this research contribute to LLS comprehension in the pandemic era, provide insights for ESP educators, and highlight the importance of foreign language learner autonomy.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic’s pervasive influence, personality remained a key determinant of individuals’ choices and academic accomplishments in higher education (Rodrigues, Rose, and Hewig 2024). Proactive students are more inclined to pursue foreign language proficiency, which is an educational advantage as by becoming equipped with intercultural communication skills, students become better prepared for the contemporary labor market. This research places emphasis on exploring higher education (HE) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) economics and business students’ use of language learning strategies (LLSs) and their self-perceived proactivity, creativity and emotional regulation during the pandemic of COVID-19. Specifically, it assesses students’ individual differences, investigates connections between LLSs and ESP students’ proactivity, creativity, and emotional regulation, and reveals statistically significant predictors of ESP students’ LLS use. The findings indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, medium strategy use was observed across all LLSs, and the metacognitive strategy was utilized the most frequently. Female ESP students employed the affective strategy more, whereas male ESP students utilized the cognitive strategy more. Proactivity was positively correlated with most LLSs and was revealed as the most significant predictor of ESP students’ LLS utilization. The findings of this research contribute to LLS comprehension in the pandemic era, provide insights for ESP educators, and highlight the importance of foreign language learner autonomy.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic’s pervasive influence, personality remained a key determinant of individuals’ choices and academic accomplishments in higher education (Rodrigues, Rose, and Hewig 2024). Proactive students are more inclined to pursue foreign language proficiency, which is an educational advantage as by becoming equipped with intercultural communication skills, students become better prepared for the contemporary labor market. This research places emphasis on exploring higher education (HE) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) economics and business students’ use of language learning strategies (LLSs) and their self-perceived proactivity, creativity and emotional regulation during the pandemic of COVID-19. Specifically, it assesses students’ individual differences, investigates connections between LLSs and ESP students’ proactivity, creativity, and emotional regulation, and reveals statistically significant predictors of ESP students’ LLS use. The findings indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, medium strategy use was observed across all LLSs, and the metacognitive strategy was utilized the most frequently. Female ESP students employed the affective strategy more, whereas male ESP students utilized the cognitive strategy more. Proactivity was positively correlated with most LLSs and was revealed as the most significant predictor of ESP students’ LLS utilization. The findings of this research contribute to LLS comprehension in the pandemic era, provide insights for ESP educators, and highlight the importance of foreign language learner autonomy.
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