Madina Bekturova, Altnay Zhaitapova, Davronzhon Gaipov, Saule Tulepova, Gergana Dyankova

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The increasing prevalence of digital writing tools in academic settings has sparked interest in understanding their impact on writing self-efficacy among students, particularly in non-Anglophone countries. This study presents the first-ever application of a moderated mediation model to investigate the influence of digital writing tools on academic writing self-efficacy, incorporating writing engagement as a mediator and technological proficiency as a moderator. In the present study, we tested the following hypotheses: (a) the positive impact of using digital writing tools on writing engagement and academic writing self-efficacy, (b) writing engagement positively influences academic writing self-efficacy as well as mediates the relationship between using digital tools and writing self-efficacy, and (c) technological proficiency moderates the mediated relationship between digital tool use and writing self-efficacy. Based on the data from a survey conducted among 332 postgraduate students of Kazakhstani universities, digital writing tools positively influence writing self-efficacy, with writing engagement playing a significant mediating role. Furthermore, technological proficiency was found to modestly moderate this mediated relationship, suggesting that higher proficiency enhances the positive effects of digital tools on writing self-efficacy. These results highlight the importance of integrating digital writing tools and improving technological skills to enhance academic writing outcomes in non-Anglophone contexts. This study contributes to the existing literature by offering novel insights and a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms through which digital writing tools affect academic writing self-efficacy and engagement, especially in diverse linguistic and cultural settings.


academic writing, digital tools, higher education, moderated mediation model, writing engagement, technological proficiency

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