Design thinking is a dynamic approach and mindset employed to explore innovative and creative solutions to a wide range of challenges. At its core, design thinking places significant emphasis on the individual, their emotions and needs. Professionals who embrace design thinking actively seek out issues that impact people and offer appropriate solutions that will benefit users. Consequently, design thinking is an ongoing and iterative process, continuously researching and enhancing a product or service to the user’s satisfaction. This study aims to compare how English language and culture in specialized communication students and university teachers of various academic disciplines at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava and the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology at Trnava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, perceive the application of design thinking in the educational process. Two workshops were conducted to explore the application of design thinking in American literature seminars, with a total of 45 students who took part in the survey. The third workshop focused on enhancing intercultural awareness through online seminars and searching for the most appropriate methods of teaching intercultural communication in the online space. The workshop had a total of 25 students, with 21 participating in the research. A pilot workshop for teachers was organized in May 2023 within the project titled “Support of internal systems for ensuring the quality of higher education at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia”, with 25 university teachers participating (21 of whom took part in the survey). The research results indicate that both students and teachers perceive design thinking as a suitable method for the current educational process. Students identified presentation skills as their biggest challenge, whereas teachers did not face significant issues in this area due to their profession. Conversely, teachers expressed difficulties with digital skills, which were less prevalent among the students. Design thinking offers numerous benefits to students by creating a supportive learning environment. Additionally, for teachers, this method can become a part of their lifelong learning, as innovation relies on their motivation and efforts to teach traditional content differently.
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