Angela C. de M. Garcia

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Since the publication of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s language proficiency requirements, a number of different tests have been developed and implemented around the world to assess pilots and air traffic controllers’ proficiency in English. Meanwhile, researchers have questioned the clarity and appropriateness of the policy, and the reliability of tests (e.g., Alderson 2011; Douglas 2004; Emery 2014). ICAO has recently acknowledged that, over the years, multiple interpretations of the policy have led to practices that might undermine the meaningfulness of aviation English tests (ICAO 2022b). However, the ICAO Rating Scale remains as the instrument to be used in assessing pilots and air traffic controllers’ aeronautical language proficiency. Thus, this article explores the construct of aeronautical English listening tests stated in the comprehension descriptors of the ICAO rating scale, as well as the elements of the other descriptors that may inform the definition of this construct. An in-depth content analysis of the rating scale was conducted by using the “interview technique”, as described by O’Leary (2021). Results provide useful information for the development of listening tests in the aeronautical context. A better interpretation of the construct informed by the policy can help to reduce the differences among test implementations around the world and further contribute to more standardized and meaningful testing practices.


language testing, ICAO rating scale, listening comprehension, construct definition

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