Elena Bazanova, Elena Sokolova, Maria Sysoeva

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The transformation of modern science from monodisciplinary to multidisciplinary leads to cardinal changes in the methods of teaching English L2 science communication, which is a challenge for non-anglophone researchers who need to share research outcomes in English within and beyond their research-specific community. The paper describes a case study in which the main objective is to understand how immersion of English L2 speaking researchers into a multidisciplinary multilevel classroom setting affect the development of science communication skills needed to reach broader audiences through innovative dissemination channels, making research findings clearly intelligible to both specialists and non-specialists alike. The paper defines the potential of educational reconstruction of multidisciplinary science communication context that involves interaction of researchers with varying English proficiency levels, professional expertise, and research area. Our data demonstrate that metacognitive teaching strategies can assist early-stage researchers to develop their ability to integrate fully into the larger global science community and reap the benefits of science communication.  


science communication, early-stage researchers, multidisciplinary multilevel classrooms

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP230209001B


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