Zorica Đurović, Sanja Bauk

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Corpus-based methods have been progressively popular and required in teaching language, especially as regards English for Specific Purposes. When it comes to practical application and testing of the e.g. corpus-derived vocabulary lists, the scarcity of the resulting experiences has also been evident. Our idea, therefore, was to conduct experimental research with our target language learners and test the efficiency and effectiveness of corpus linguistics methods by incorporating them in the course design, as opposed to the group of students that continued the semester as per the earlier designed course. The study was conducted with the students of Marine Engineering study programme during one academic semester. Their knowledge of both general and technical vocabulary was tested at the beginning and end of the semester. The conducted and presented statistical analysis was upgraded by semi-structured interviews for providing the students’ perceptions and feedback. The results generally point to a positive correlation with innovative teaching methods. Moreover, positive reactions of the students noted during and after the research period bring about the additional and better motivation of both the students and the teachers when it comes to introducing innovative corpus methods in language teaching. In addition, some limitations of the study have been pointed to, as well as recommendations for further and similar research endeavours.


vocabulary, corpus, word list, students, DDL method

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP2202319D


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