Zsofia Klaudia Freund

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This study created an education and training programme word list (ETPWL) to explore the characteristics of lexical elements of the official document of the latest calls for proposals of Education and Training Programme (ETP) proposed by the European Commission. The aim of this investigation is to support the assumption that these official documents have EU-specific characteristics, what is more, grant-specific features. The researcher compiled a corpus (Corpus of Education and Training Programme), containing 5 sub-grant calls in 2013, (totaling 252,599 running words, over 5,891 word-types) and examined the range, frequency and usage patterns of lexical elements in CETP and BNC. The comparison of usage patterns in CETP and BNC Written uncovered lexical patterns that are typically used in relation with calls for proposals and grant applications. The vocabulary of CETP is not specific in terms that, it does not require the knowledge of specific terminology which would not be known to non-native speakers with advanced level English knowledge, but the high frequency number shows that these lexical items need special attention by the applicants. This study identifies 604 words that are believed to be indispensable for those who are going to apply for such grants in the future.

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ISSN 2334-9182 (Print)
ISSN 2334-9212 (Online)