Zorica Antić

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Teacher development and education is a continuous process with an overall goal of transforming potential into performance. Teachers gain the right skills, attitudes and knowledge through a combination of teaching and professional skills and application of the relevant pedagogical theory. The process includes improving general educational background and the knowledge of students’ subject areas, understanding the nature of the learners and the development of practical skills and competences.

Medical English provides teachers with numerous opportunities for professional development of both language and medical teachers. In this area, two primary categories of teacher knowledge include general pedagogical knowledge (principles and strategies of classroom managements) and content knowledge (the knowledge of specific subjects). Teachers are offered an invaluable opportunity to learn from one another - language teachers can broaden their understanding of medicine, whereas medical teachers may develop their teaching practices and use the methodology of language teaching to improve and enrich their own subject-specific classes.

There is a positive correlation between the quality and degree of learner achievement and teacher competence and motivation. In other words, high quality teaching is a prerequisite for high quality education and it is, therefore, one of the most important determinants of students’ learning outcomes.


English for Medical Purposes, teacher education, learning outcomes, adult learning

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