Nguyen Huong Lan

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Assessing university graduates’ legal English proficiency in workability is a vital activity in legal English language teaching to meet the job requirements. This quantitative empirical study investigated 35 participants from standing legal organs operating in Vietnam, using a researcher-made questionnaire to evaluate employers’ requirements for school leavers, major in legal English for workability. There were seven dimensions relating to employers’ requirements, namely the evaluation of legal English language skills, the prevalence of legal English language skills applied, the effective level of English language skills at workplace, the proficiency of legal English language requirement, legal English proficiency meeting employees’ requirement for positions, methods of organizations evaluating the English language skills of applicants, and organization’s schemes for applicants with good English proficiency. The results reveal that the employers have high opinions on using legal English at workplace, mainly reading and speaking skills. The findings indicate that employers implement a rigorous process when recruiting new graduates with legal English proficiency and formal tertiary qualifications. In addition, employers carry out a prioritized policy for employees who demonstrate their good English proficiency during their working practices. The findings would benefit employers recruiting right employees, university stakeholders adjusting their training policies, and students preparing well before graduation to satisfy employers’ expectations and the society’s demand accordingly.


legal English proficiency, workability, standing legal organs, university graduates, employers’ expectations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP2202185H


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