Tina Orel Frank

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Languages are subject to constant change, with new lexis being just one, yet the most sensitive. Languages for specific purposes are no exception, and this is particularly true in areas that are currently undergoing rapid development, such as tourism. The aim of the research is to analyze neonyms in the English tourism language from the perspective of new lexicon-building processes. Neonyms are understood as terms in the neologistic phase of the lexical life cycle. The contribution extracts them according to their subjective time-bound definition in the field of tourism based on the use of Internet sources as corpus, which is particularly suitable for the research of new language. The paper contributes to the understanding of tourism as a field and its specific language and sheds light on recent (often unsystematic) term formation processes. It shows indirect theoretical word formation tendencies, which are also applicable when comparing word formation processes in General English as opposed to the English language for tourism purposes.


neonym, term-formation processes, tourism, terminology

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