Elena Valerievna Carter

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Paremias are known to be a significant rhetorical force in various modes of communication. They serve well in oral speech and in writing, coming to mind almost automatically as prefabricated verbal units. The article aims to take a look at how the proverbial texts with the symbolic component “cup” employed in Nikita Khrushchev’s political speeches, as well as in his memoirs, have been rendered into English. The corpus linguistics methodology is used to identify the expressions containing the word “cup.” In analyzing the selected idioms, Conceptual Metaphor Theory is employed as a theoretical framework. The research contributes to the study of phraseology and translation as it provides an insight into challenges caused by linguistic and cultural differences while transferring metaphorical expressions from one language and culture to another.


cup, metaphor, Nikita Khrushchev, translation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP1904473C


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