Abdullah Al Mahmud, Amatussalam Kaosar

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As the main ingredient of language, vocabulary has ever been a component of the English language teaching-learning courses in both organized and incidental ways. Also, various strategies or techniques of vocabulary-teaching have been proposed by multiple scholars, but the grounds underlying these strategies have remained sporadic and without particular emphasis on the need of the advanced learners. With this view in mind and by taking the advanced or university-level learners as a discrete group, this knowledge-based documentary article sorts out five noteworthy broad ‘grounds’ of consideration for teachers and learners of vocabulary. Along with introducing a ‘cross-binary network’ of comparative vocabularies of four skills, the said grounds bring together the common principles behind most of the acceptable vocabulary-teaching strategies. While Bangladesh has been used for reference and contextualization, the ideas provided may be practicable in teaching advanced learners anywhere else with a similar situation.


ELT, Vocabulary, Advanced Learners, Schema, Memory

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Materials examined:

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ISSN 2334-9182 (Print)
ISSN 2334-9212 (Online)