MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IN ELP INSTRUCTION IN TERTIARY EDUCATION: Integrated Communicative MI-based Activities in Adult ELP/LE Classrooms

Gordana Ignjatović

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The paper presents the theoretical framework and pedagogical practice of integrating the core principles of the Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory in English for Legal Purposes (ELP) or Legal English (LE) courses in tertiary education, by focusing on the Integrated Communicative Learning (ICL) approach and implementation of the integrated communicative MI-based activities in adult ELP/LE instruction at the Law Faculty, University of Niš. The article first revisits the MI theory, its core principles, reviews the common criticism and sketches ample applications of the MI theory. The next part refers to its use in the classroom and alignment with the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (2001) and Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (2007). Then, the paper focuses on ELP/LE instruction, explains the rationale of using the ICL approach, provides a brief needs assessment, and discusses ELP/LE instruction considerations. In the central part, the author presents the selected sample of integrated communicative MI-based activities, explains the aims of their use in ELP/LE instruction, and elaborates on their key features: authentic materials, different kinds/types of activities, pedagogical goals, intended communicative competencies, authentic assessment, and the use of technology in a low-tech ELP/LE classroom. Then, the author discusses the findings of students’ qualitative evaluation on materials and activities used in ELP/LE courses. In conclusion, the author consider the benefits and implications for ELP/LE instruction within the framework of e essential 21st century skills.


ESP/English for Legal Purposes, Integrated Communicative Learning, MI principles, integrated communicative activities, tertiary ELP/LE instruction

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