Ramesh Govindarajan, Gali Christuraj

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This academic research explores the opportunities and challenges of using Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) in the English Language Teaching (ELT) in a university in Oman. Recent researches have proven that ChatGPT provides various benefits and opportunities in education. Students can gain from different problem-solving scenarios provided by ChatGPT. Moreover, teachers will be freed from heavy marking-load allowing them to spend more time on lesson planning (Hong, 2023). The study aims to find out the possible prospects and challenges of employing ChatGPT in the teaching and learning of English, which naturally influence research and educational policy making as well. The study adopted qualitative methods for data collection and analysis, using literature review and semi-structured interviews. The findings show that the use of ChatGPT in ELT has been much more beneficial and promising, as evidenced by the limited research available. However, there are potential risks associated with over-reliance on ChatGPT and the need for appropriate training and guidance for teachers and students. The study suggests that further research is needed to explore the full potential of ChatGPT in ELT and to address the challenges associated with its.


ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, incorporating technology, AI-assisted language learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP230529046G


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