Marianna Knyazyan, Natalia Mushynska

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This study explores the essence and the structure of the translators’ research competence, as well as the development of the system for its formation. We have developed a system of 12 interrelated segments of the research skills of translator: the development of the initial research base, the study of theoretical information, data collection (translation), data collection (didactics), data processing, pedagogical model of the experimental forming stage, argumentation of personal position, generalization of experimental data, forecasting the research prospects, presenting the research results, publication of research results, self-esteem. In accordance with the scientific positions, we offered to evaluate the level of formation of research skills in accordance with the criterion of the performance accuracy of skills presented in each segment. The obtained data revealed low, medium, high levels of formation of research skills. We have evaluated the level of students’ knowledge about the main categories of research activity. In order to form the research competence of translators, we have developed the tasks aimed at the formation of research skills, knowledge about the organization of research activities in the field of translation studies.

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