Monika Barbara Pociask

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Abstract. The article is to present the rationale for the need to improve social competences of nurses during ESP classes as well as introduce concrete proposals of activities that have the potential to achieve that aim.

The idea for this improvement was formed after studying the book “Improving Nursing Practice. Education, Competences, Communication, Quality” by Aleksander Sztejnberg and Tadeusz L. Jasiński (2013). The authors of the book report on the results of a survey which clearly show that nurses do not feel practically prepared for effective patient-oriented communication. The results of a short survey testing the PWSZ student nurses satisfaction of acquiring the social competences set out in the Nursing Department learning outcomes confirm Aleksander Sztejnberg and Tadeusz L. Jasiński's findings. Taking into consideration that social competences belong to transversal skills which can be practised in any language, we strongly believe that our task as ESP teachers is to help student nurses practise verbal and non-verbal reactions oriented at improving their social competences in various health care situations.

Since most ESP course books for student nurses do not contain information on how to behave or what to do, what to say to respect a person as a patient and a human being, the authors investigate the possibility of preparing practical exercises that address the problem of social competences in English for Nursing classrooms.

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