Daniela Kirovska-Simjanoska

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. Mobile phones can be a real disruption to learning in class when used inappropriately. But in the hands of teachers who know how to use them right, mobile phones can become powerful learning tools and resources. Given the readiness to experiment, teachers and students can transform the classroom, reshape the learning and make best use of phones for learning and organizational purposes.

The idea of this paper is to show whether mobile phones used in the ESP classroom really have the potential to help students learn more and grasp that knowledge. For the purpose of this research, mobile phones were used in the ESP for Computer Sciences class at the South East European University for the in-class learning, as well as for the outside informal learning. A short questionnaire was assigned at the end of the semester measuring students’ satisfaction and motivation with the learning outcomes in such a mobile learning environment.

As it will be demonstrated in the paper, mobile phones in the classroom do not necessarily mean that teachers lose control of the class, as long as they control what the students use the phones for. The paper will show that by using mobile phones in the classroom teachers can create personalized learning environment, thus transforming the students into active and more autonomous researchers. 

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ISSN 2334-9182 (Print)
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