Maria Yurijevna Kopylovskaya, Tatyana Yevgenievna Dobrova

DOI Number
DOI: 10.22190/JTESAP1603505K
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The paper presents results of a modest-scale research into the problem of learners’ cultural unawareness about cultures of the East countries   suffering the conflicts of global importance within the context of wider “West-East” cultural divide in ESP for International Relations. Different aspects of the problem are studied through an attempt to assess students’ knowledge of the elementary cultural phenomena of general, political and specific interest.  The research was conditioned by the problem that aroused in the course of ESP classes that were meant to develop speaking skills as an objective within the major teaching/learning goal of preparing for oral professional communication.


‘West-East’ cultural divide, intercultural competence, cultural awareness/ unawareness, ESP for International Relations, guided info-analysis, guided info-search, ICT for intercultural competence

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