Pramod Kumar Sah

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Abstract. This article reports on mixed methods classroom investigation that ascertained the relative effectiveness of two different explicit grammar teaching frameworks: (a) DDL with integration into Present-Practice-Produce (PPP) and (b) Illustration-Interaction-Induction (III). The analysis of the pre-, post- and delayed post-tests indicated that both the frameworks were effective in terms of acquiring written discourse markers. However, the framework DDL with III was more effective than DDL with PPP to some degree. The use of DDL helped the learners develop their autonomy. Qualitative results showed that the participants had positive attitudes towards DDL in spite of some difficulties they faced while discovering patterns through concordance data. They struggled to comprehend many of the difficult words and complex structures used in the concordance data, which by and large seemed to demotivate them. This suggests a need to pre-edit the concordance data before hand for lower level learners. The evidence also suggested the need for teachers’ explanation of the patterns discovered through DDL to assure their discovery from the risk of overgeneralization.

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