Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova

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The paper treats the relevance of the English perfect language awareness enhancement in terms of form and semantics in ESP business courses, motivating and exemplifying most frequent instances of Bulgarian – English negative, but also positive language transfer. The study, based on business translation materials research on Bulgarian underlying functional equivalents of the English perfect periphrasis, not only considers Bulgarian correspondences features, but also explores their degree of semantic overlapping with the examined category in English. The approach of contrastive teaching is put forward as a method of crucial importance in fighting interference, greatly due to the significant number of Bulgarian correspondences, such as, Bulgarian present, perfect, present/perfect passive and aorist, among others, and of promoting, this way, specific and overall business ESP learners’ awareness. Contrastive teaching procedures, usually involving the auxiliary comparative teaching approach, are presented in detail at basic grammar teaching stages. Each stage objectives are commented on and general contrastive teaching method outcomes are stated.

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ISSN 2334-9182 (Print)
ISSN 2334-9212 (Online)