Boglarka Kiss Kulenović

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The article will focus on the use of infographics in teaching Languages for Special Purposes (LSP). The benefits of using infographics in marketing, tourism and other business areas are well documented and business students profit from learning how to use and create these tools of information dissemination. In the classroom, infographics can be used on two different levels: firstly, they can be an input to students to facilitate learning and secondly, students can create infographics themselves.

The first part of the article will focus on using infographics as an input. Infographics have been found to accelerate the learning process: The brain processes images faster than text and there is evidence to show that using images together with text enhances understanding, speeds up learning and makes it easier to recall information. Images in general and infographics in particular also help visual learners who find it easier to learn by viewing charts, maps and diagrams instead of words.

In the second part of the article, I will argue that when students create infographics, they reap an even bigger benefit. Making such a combination of words and images requires a clear understanding of the text read and a deep knowledge of the topic. Such a task requires an ability to select and organize relevant information, use critical thinking and exercise creativity. It also builds students' transferable skills, such as, visual literacy and computer skills. Furthermore, students’ motivation is also enhanced when they feel that they are learning something that is seen as a modern, “cool” way of communication with their peers or business partners.

In the third part of the article, I will make recommendations on how to incorporate infographic-creation tasks into an LSP classroom.


infographics, information retention, digital tools for teaching, note-making, Business English, LSP

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