Ľudmila Hurajová

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Current challenges and issues are so complex that without a close, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation it is very difficult or even impossible to solve and find innovative approaches to them. We are living in the era of big data, artificial intelligence and also virtual reality which are changing the paradigm of all our living including education. As far as communication within multidisciplinary and multinational working teams is concerned, English has become a preferable language that is used worldwide including academia and research. In non-English speaking countries Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have faced very similar challenge how to foster establishing English Education Environment (EEE). Most of their students speak different language and their level of English competence differs. Likewise, disciplinary teachers’ (DTs’) English competence and readiness to teach their courses in English vary. This contribution describes the project (Visegrad+) of HEIs from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Albania and Serbia, intended to study if Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and close cooperation between ESP/CLIL experts and DTs can result in effective English learning-teaching environment. The main project outcome – web platform for ESP/ CLIL and DTs communities is presented. Finally, as far as interdisciplinary teacher cooperation is concerned, some observations during COVID19 pandemic are illustrated. 


English Education Environment (EEE), interdisciplinary cooperation, internationalisation of Higher Education (IoHE), CLIL in Higher Education

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